If we are unable to verify your information sufficiently, your order may be cancelled. We assess each order that comes through Blackcart based on a variety of different factors, such as order value, previous order history, and item availability. When placing an order at BlackCart, we process each order a certain way. The first step is always verification.
All orders placed with Blackcart are first processed by our verification system. We attempt to verify all information submitted with your order, such as your address, payment information, and identity. If we are unable to verify your information, we'll ask you for additional verification - this is usually an easy fix.
To ensure that your order is not flagged and cancelled, please make sure that you:
- Provide accurate name and address details. Please use your legal name when possible.
- Are shipping to your registered billing address when possible, and not to a PO box, office, friend's address, etc.
- Have a valid and verifiable payment method on file that is not a prepaid credit card, virtual credit card, or temporary bank card.
If your payment is declined, the order will not be processed including any payments. Often times, this may be because your credit card had recently expired, due to a payment authorization failure, or your card is no longer valid.
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